Macron joins Hip Hop group in anticipation of retirement – first song “F#ck the...
With an 18% approval rating, a much-discussed new low for the French Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron's future plans have been leaked in a discussion...
CNN’s Jim Acosta under Fire for Racist Remarks: “I Hate Black Toast.”
Following on the heels of Megyn Kelly's blackface remarks Thursday morning, long-time CNN correspondent Jim Acosta was seen at a local morning diner laughing...
These posts had my Dyin – Sept. 4th, 2018 The Future
This gentleman was falsely arrested and is ensuring the police that did so make it on the Internet:
This was the funniest diss on eminem...
Liberals protest protest the “N” word, shocked when told the history of word “Democrats”
One hundred young Democrats took their hands out of other people's pockets and put them in their own today long enough to brave the...
Elizabeth Warren Calls Christopher Lloyd to Go Back in Time and Discover Indian Roots
Elizabeth Warren has been on the search to prove her Cherokee blood after familial claims to a long ancestry of Indian descent. A recent...
Kanye and Trump to Star in Remake of the 1988 Movie “Rain Man”
The Fox Broadcasting company has requested Barry Levinson direct their much-anticipated remake of "Rain Man" featuring Kanye West and Donald Trump.
The dynamic duo has...
Jimmy Kimmel Time Travels From the Past, Begs to Go Back to 1999
After breaking out of a Government facility, Jimmy Kimmel has brought to light a secret time traveling project named "Blue Balls" tested at a...
Bert and Ernie Come Out Again, This Time for Donald Trump
In a surprise move by a couple known to support the Democratic party, Bert and Ernie have taken to Twitter and Facebook to let...
Hillary To Compete for Guiness Book of World Record’s Longest Grieving Process
With a long career of harping under her belt, Hillary Clinton last year announced a marathon grievance process after her 2016 Presidential election loss...
Social Media Bans Alex Jones Who Then Clambers onto Capital Hill After Pub Crawl
On Thursday, while in a hazy, red-faced stupor, Alex Jones stomped up to Capital Hill in mud caked boots hoping to trigger a Senator....