“Plaid Shirt Guy” Attending Trump Rally Escorted Out by Secret Service
On Sept. 7th Jacques Dittes wrote on a Trump rally security scare in Montana. The rally, live streamed the day before on the 6th,...
Social Media Bans Alex Jones Who Then Clambers onto Capital Hill After Pub Crawl
On Thursday, while in a hazy, red-faced stupor, Alex Jones stomped up to Capital Hill in mud caked boots hoping to trigger a Senator....
These posts had my Dyin – Sept. 4th, 2018 The Future
This gentleman was falsely arrested and is ensuring the police that did so make it on the Internet:
This was the funniest diss on eminem...
Bernie Sanders Embarrassing Moments and Policy Deflection
I was jumping around doing searches on Bernie Sanders embarrassing moments and I always find it awkward the difference in age. Bernie is like a...